dimanche 6 juin 2021

A new version of the Download Manager Tool has been released

Hi fellow MCT

Like many of us, I received a notification last Friday, from the MCT Program Team indicating that a new version of the “Download Manager” tool for the MCT Learning Download Center has been released.

If you wonder where to go to download it, here is a screen shot to help you.

  1. Go to : https://learningdownloadcenter.microsoft.com/
  2. Go to “FAQ
  3. Select the “LDM” section
  4. Expend the “How to set up LDM tool?” node
  5. Click on the “here” link to start the download

During the download I received a security alert indicating that the app is not trusted. I bypassed id but normally we did not have to get it.
Remember, before installing the new version, you have to remove the previous one.

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