samedi 28 mai 2022

Connaissez-vous CAMEO pour Power Point ?

Cela fait longtemps que je n'ai plus publié sur ce blog mais je reviens avec vous afin de vous mettre la puce à l'oreille au sujet de CAMEO.

Ce nouvel outil, permet d'insérer votre flux en direct d’appareil photo directement dans une diapositive PowerPoint. Puis vous pouvez appliquer les mêmes effets à votre flux d’appareil photo que vous le feriez pour une image ou un autre objet notamment la mise en forme, les transitions et les styles.

Actuellement, Cameo n'est disponible que pour Power Point 365 dans le cadre du programme Insider.

Pour plus de détail, je vous invite à lire cet article : Présentation avec Cameo (

C'est tout pour aujourd'hui.

Mehdi Hammadi

Consultant/Formateur Power BI et Office


dimanche 10 avril 2022

Programme MCT, un mois d'avril très animé

Bonjour chers amis et collègues MCT

Vous l’avez probablement noté, ce début de mois d’avril 2022 et fort et riche en annonces et rebondissements par rapport au programme MCT.

L’info la plus contraignante, c’est la suspension du renouvellement des MCT depuis le mois de mars et qui le restera jusqu’en juillet 2022.
Heureusement pour moi, qui ai une date anniversaire début avril, j’avais pris les devants et renouvelé mon MCT en février 2022.

Mais l’actualité qui a fait le buzz sur les réseaux sociaux, c’est le retrait des certifications Office de la liste des certifications éligibles pour l’obtention et le renouvellement de la certification MCT. Cette annonce est tombée le 1er avril 2022 et le message était :

Beginning July 1st, the MCT program will no longer accept the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certifications. The certification titles included in this change include …

Après une grosse agitation sur la toile, et l’intervention de certains MCT RL, Microsoft a partiellement révisé son annonce pour indiquer que les certifications MOS sont éligibles pour le renouvellement mais pas pour l’entrer dans le programme.  Cette annonce est tombée une semaine plus tard soit le 07 avril 2022.

After receiving feedback from the community, we have reviewed our proposed changes to certifications eligible for the MCT program. We will continue to accept Microsoft Office Specialist certifications as part of acceptance list for existing MCTs only. The certification titles include …

At this time, we will not accept new MCTs to enter the program leveraging the MOS certifications

Attendons de voir ce qu’il en sera l’année prochaine et est ce qu’il sera toujours possible d’enregistrer des formations Office sur MTM

Pour le reste

Les enregistrements des sessions de la conférence MCT Connect 2022 sont disponibles sur le site MCT Central

Microsoft lance le programme Beta Teach Central

Ce programme permettra de tester en version bêta certains des cours Microsoft au fur et à mesure de leur actualisation. Plus d’info sur la page Beta Teach (

MCT Town Hall

Un MCT Town Hall est planifié pour le 10 juin 2022, je vous invite à y assister car il me semble que c’est à ce moment que Microsoft va donner les dernières infos en matière d’accès et de renouvellement du programme MCT. Rendez-vous sur le site MCT Central pour réserver votre place.


Mehdi Hammadi 

mercredi 28 juillet 2021

MCT Program fees waived until December 31st, 2021

Hi MCT Community,

If you missed the announcement last month, this is a remainder that Microsoft have decided to extend the waiver of program fees associated with the MCT Program application and renewals until December 31st 2021.

You can access MCT Central to read the announcement. 

MCT Town Hall in September 2021

Hello fellow MCTs

I just received an email from Stephanie Jasmin the new MCT Program Manager about the next MCT Townhall.

It is scheduled for September 10th, 2021 at 11:00 AM EST.

However, for the first time you will have to register in order to attend and the link to the registration form is on MCT Central.

mardi 29 juin 2021

Windows 11, Did you hear about it?


I just got the notification, Microsoft is preparing a new version of windows (Windows 11). This version should be available later this year. Windows 11 will have all the power and security of Windows 10 with a redesigned and refreshed look. It will also comes with new tools, sounds, and apps. Every detail has been considered. All of it will comes together to bring you a refreshing experience on your PC.

If you need to discover more, like the minimum hardware requirement just jump to the announcement page. Upgrade to the New Windows 11 OS | Microsoft

If you want to try it, go to the insider page and download the first preview : Announcing the first Insider Preview for Windows 11 | Windows Insider Blog

dimanche 6 juin 2021

A new version of the Download Manager Tool has been released

Hi fellow MCT

Like many of us, I received a notification last Friday, from the MCT Program Team indicating that a new version of the “Download Manager” tool for the MCT Learning Download Center has been released.

If you wonder where to go to download it, here is a screen shot to help you.

  1. Go to :
  2. Go to “FAQ
  3. Select the “LDM” section
  4. Expend the “How to set up LDM tool?” node
  5. Click on the “here” link to start the download

During the download I received a security alert indicating that the app is not trusted. I bypassed id but normally we did not have to get it.
Remember, before installing the new version, you have to remove the previous one.

samedi 8 mai 2021

Visual Studio 2022 is comming !

The announcement was made on April 19th, 2021, the first
public preview of Visual Studio 2022 will be released this summer and this is what the Dev team is saying about this new release.

The next major release of Visual Studio will be faster, more approachable, and more lightweight, designed for both learners and those building industrial scale solutions.

For the first time ever, Visual Studio will be 64-bitThe user experience will feel cleaner, intelligent, and action oriented.

To get more details, please read the announcement : Visual Studio 2022 | Visual Studio Blog (

mardi 30 mars 2021

AZ-140 Beta exam voucher with 100% off for MCT

Hello fellow MCT,

If you did not get the news from the MCT Newsletter, it is my pleasure to inform you that these is MCT 100% off codes for you to use on a new beta exam that launched recently:

AZ-140: Configuring and Operating Windows Virtual Desktop on Microsoft Azure.


  • To get 100% off MCTs have to fill a form
  • You need to register and take the exam by April 29, 2021

More details on this link : Beta exam: Prove your expertise in Windows Virtual Desktop on Azure.


Useful Links:

Stay tuned

#mctbuzz #mct

dimanche 21 mars 2021

PL-600 Beta exam voucher with 100% off for MCT


Hello fellow MCT,

If you did not get the news from the MCT Newsletter it I smy pleasure to inform you that these is MCT 100% off codes for you to use on a new beta exam that launched recently:

PL-600: Power Platform Solution Architect.


  1.         To get 100% off MCTs have to fill a form
  2.         You need to register and take the exam by April 14, 2021

More details on this link : Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect Beta Exam Now Available - Microsoft Tech Community

Useful Links:

Stay tuned

dimanche 7 mars 2021

MCT Connect Conference is for April 13-14, 2021


Hello fellow MCT,

This year's the Microsoft MCT Connect Conference will be held virtually on April 13 - 14, 2021

This is a great opportunity to interact with Microsoft FTEs from different product groups and portfolios in Worldwide Learning and gain insights about WWL's strategies going forward.

To join and attend you need to register. The link to the registration form is provided on the MCT Central page.


Useful Links:

Stay tuned

#mctbuzz #mct