mardi 6 mars 2018

Spotlight on MCP Satisfaction Survey

Microsft Learning just shared the result of the "MCP Satisfaction Survey" they conducted in October 2017. With more than 10,000 responses.Here is a brief update:

MCPs told Microsoft that hiring managers highly value their Microsoft certifications, and that their credentials
  • Open additional career opportunities
  • Showcase your Microsoft skills and distinguish you from your peers in ways that get you noticed (and that you like to download certification logos and badges!)
  • Ensure that you are maintaining and improving skills on Microsoft technologies
  • Help you more quickly resolve issues on Microsoft technologies
  • Help you influence business decisions at your workplace
They also shared why they choose to get certified, including the top five reasons:
  • To build or update skills on a specific Microsoft technology or solution (51%)
  • To distinguish yourself from other professionals (36%)
  • To improve opportunities in your current role or organization (34%)
  • To demonstrate your commitment to ongoing learning and validation (30%)
  • To improve marketability/billable rates/salary (24%)

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